Terms and Conditions for sale - B2B

Last Updated: 18 Feb 2022

If one wants to do business with BISJHINTU’S then these terms and conditions are applicable to them and they have to abide by them.

  1. Contractual basis-

  1. Every contract between the merchant (Purchaser) and BISJHINTUS will be subject only to these Terms and Conditions and all other terms, conditions, whether written or implied (including any terms which Merchant purport to apply through any conversation, negotiation, or course of dealing) will not apply.
  2. These terms together with the parties' purchase agreement and BISJHINTUS offer, order confirmation and invoice constitute the full agreement.
  3. No order placed by the Buyer shall be deemed to be accepted by the Company until a written acknowledgement of order is issued by the Company.
  4. In the cases of conflict between the said parties related to any order then these terms and conditions shall prevail on that order.
  5. The sale is carried out through both online as well as offline mode.

  1. Order and specifications-

  1.  Purchaser must ensure that all the details included in an order are complete and accurate. After Receiving the order either online or offline, we will communicate the same to you by email or by written acknowledgement whether or not the order is accepted. Our acceptance of the order means that a contract has been set up between the purchaser and BISJHINTUS. No Contract shall be set up without either a written or emailed confirmation. We may use our discretion to refuse an order if there are unpaid invoices in your name, or if your creditworthiness is unacceptable to the company.  A Contract set up shall be binding on both the purchaser and BISJHINTUS and the purchaser have no right to change it any way whatsoever.
  2. Cancellation of any order must be done within 3days from receiving the order confirmation by BISJHINTUS and If the buyer cancels the order after that then he’ll be liable to pay the cancellation charges, including – but not limited to – loss of profits.
  3. BISJHINTUS is not liable if the delivered services do not meet the buyer’s needs or purpose of use.

  1. Price of the Services-

  1. The price and any taxes and expenses for the services shall be as specified in the Purchase agreement.
  2. Unless otherwise agreed by the Company in writing, the price for the Goods shall always remain the price quoted by the company.
  3. BISJHINTUS is entitled to adjust the price as per the requirements of the purchaser and if the price is adjusted then it will be visible in the purchase agreement the payment will be done accordingly.

  1. Terms and Payment-

  1. BISJHINTUS reserves the right to require payment for the services within 15days of placing the order and the interest for late payment will be charged after 15days.
  2. The payment mode accepted by the Company is either through net banking or online.  
  3.  In the event of late payment by the purchaser, the company is entitled to charge for the interest as decided in the agreement for late payment, from the date when payment becomes due from day to day until the date of payment.
  4. If the Purchaser continues to disobey and doesn’t get the payment done after 45days of placing the order the company is entitled to cancel the agreement and  is entitled to claim damages for its losses, including indirect losses.

  1. Commencement date-

This agreement shall begin and be in effect from the date of receipt by the Company of any order from the Buyer.

  1. Limitation of Liability-

  1. BISJHINTUS is liable under the general rules of Indian law. However, the company is not liable for any losses faced by the purchaser in any form until and unless it is due to the company's negligence.
  2. Debiting of the amount from the purchaser's account but not received by the company will not be the company's liability and the company is not liable for refund or payment of any kind to the purchaser.
  3.  BISJHINTUS liability is any event limited to the value of the services supplied.

  1. Termination-

  1. The Purchaser can terminate or cancel the order within 3days of placing the order.
  2. The Company has all the right to terminate the agreement in any cases of violation of the sales terms and conditions or not receiving the payment within the agreed duration by the Purchaser.

  1. Miscellaneous-

  1. Certain substances in the Application/Services/Website/items (specifically identifying with help with arrangements for authoritative administrations) may contain feelings and perspectives. The BISJHINTUS.com will not be answerable for such suppositions or any cases coming about because of them. Further, the Company makes no guarantees or portrayals at all with respect to the quality, content, fulfilment, or ampleness of such data and information.
  2. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to, nor shall it confer any rights on a third party.
  3. A person who is not a party to these Conditions may not enforce any of its terms  

  1. Severability-

In the event that any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be held by a court or any competent authority to be unenforceable, the remaining portions hereof shall remain in full force and effect.

  1. Applicable law and dispute resolution-

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of India and any dispute relating in any way to this Agreement shall be adjudicated in courts in Mangalore (Karnataka).

  1. General Provisions: -

  1. Notice- BISJHINTU'S does not routinely monitor your postings to the web site but reserves the right to do so. However, if BISJHINTU’s becomes aware of an inappropriate use of BISJHINTUS.com or any of its Services, BISJHINTUS will respond in any way that, in its sole discretion, BISJHINTUS deems appropriate. You acknowledge that BISJHINTUS will have the right to report to law enforcement authorities any actions that may be considered illegal, as well as any information it receives of such illegal conduct. When requested, BISJHINTUS will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies in any investigation of alleged illegal activity on the Internet.

  1. Waiver - The failure of BISJHINTUS to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms and Conditions of use shall not constitute a waiver of its right to enforce such right or provision subsequently.

  1. Relationship - You recognize that your investment on the Application, doesn't make you a representative or organization or association or joint endeavour or establishment of the Company. BISJHINTUS gives these Terms so you know about the terms that apply to your utilization of the Website/Application and Services. You recognize that the BISJHINTUS has offered you a sensible chance to audit these Terms and that you have consented to them.

  1. Customer care-

  1. Any criticism you give regard to the Application will be considered to be non-secret. The application will be allowed to utilize such data on an unhindered premise.
  2. By no means will the Company be considered dependable in any way for any substance given by different clients even if such substance is hostile, destructive or hostile. Kindly exercise alert while getting to the Application.
  1. Customer feedback-

We will do our best to give you a charming encounter. In the impossible occasion that you face any issues, kindly reach us at [email protected].  

  1. Privacy Policy-
  1. Any personal information provided to or gathered by BISJHINTUS under this Privacy Notice will be stored and controlled by BISJHINTUS (the data controller/ data fiduciary).
  2. All the information in the agreement remains solely between the company and the other party to the contract.
  3. The information collected is used solely for completion of the agreement and keeping the record for sale.
  4. The company keeps all the information collected securely.
  5. A cookie during the online purchase from the company’s site is not a program and it does not contain any viruses.

*For any other query regarding the privacy policy you can refer to the Privacy Policy of BISJHINTUS.